Discounted 5 day Overseas VIP House Call Treatment by Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon)
5 day Overseas VIP House Call Treatment by Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon)
Professional Fees: $1750/day
Treatment Time: 8 hours per day or more
Minimum days: 5 consecutive days
Payment policy: A 100% deposit is required to book your 5 days
Cancellation Policy: Appointments for all day treatments must be at least 3 weeks in advance of the first treatment day. Appointments need to be canceled at least 5 business days (one week) before the scheduled arrival date, or patients will be charged a one-day penalty of $1750.00
Hotel Accommodations: The patient will cover hotel accommodations of at least a 4 star hotel within 20 minutes of the treatment venue pre-approved by Team Doctors.
Airfare and Travel Expenses
Team Doctors will make the arrangements for the air travel to and from the city of the venue and submit a separate invoice for this expense which will need to be compensated within two weeks of the treatment date.
There will be a compensation for air travel to get to the city of the venue. This is calculated based on how much time is spent flying to the destination. If the total time in the air is over 12 hours and less than 15 hours, the compensation will be one day fee or $1750.
Extending your Treatment: If you would like to extend your treatment dates beyond the dates you booked, we will only book the travel to the city of the venue and arrange travel back to Chicago after you have decided when you have had enough treatment. The fee for these services will be $1750/day. The compensation for the return flight will be minimum of the one way flight to the city of the treatment venue and paid in advance.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.
Dr James Stoxen DC FSSEMM (Hon) FWSSEM
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Orthopedic Science and Research
Executive Editor, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care
Chief Editor, Advances in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Journal
President, Team Doctors Chicago
President, Team Anti-Aging Center
President, Masters Academy Publishing Inc
222 W. Ontario Street Suite 503
Chicago Il 60654
(773) 735-5200 Office
(312) 858-0800 Mobile